HTML meta tag

HTML <meta> tag represents meta data about a page. Browsers use the meta data to bring the page in search results.

 <meta name="keywords"  content="break bone fever,dengue fever,dengue virus,mosquitoes">
 <meta name="description"  content="dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus that the mosquitoes spread.what are the causes of dengue fevere. what is the treatment of dengue fever.">

Tag Uses

Specific uses of <meta> tag

meta information tells the browser about what kind of data is on the page.

For example, the above-given meta describes the dengue fever. Now, if a user searches for dengue fever information, then the page containing the above meta data will be in the search results.

Tag omission

meta element is self-closing tag i.e. there is no end tag.

Global Attributes

All the global attributes are applicable on the meta element.

Tag Attributes

Attributes that are applicable to <meta> tag

defines pragma directive. There are more than one values for this attribute.

<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="fr" />

defines metadata value for the corresponding name attribute.

<meta name="name of the property" content="value of the property" />

The character encoding used by the document.

<a charset="UTF-8" />

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