HTML Formatting
HTML formatting includes many elements which give different styles to the text. These elements can format a simple text in different styles.
For example, we can make bold text by <b>, make the text italic by <i>. In addition to this, we will use different kinds of tags for different purposes.
Italic text
i tag is used to give an italic style to a piece of text. The text will no longer be straight.
This paragraph is without any formatting.
This paragraph has been given italic style.
Try </>Bold text
b tag is used to represent bold text with respect to its surrounding text. It is an inline element.
Its main purpose is to attract the attention of users to specific keywords in a large amount of text.
Underlined text
u element is used to underline text with respect to its surrounding text. It is an inline element.
Its main purpose is to underline the spelling mistakes in a document.
Emphasized text
em tag is used to emphasize text. It gives emphatic stress to the text.
This paragraph is simple without any formatting.
This paragraph is emphasized using em element.
Try </>This element resembles the italic element in style. But the position of em element in a sentence changes the meaning of the sentence.
They are different with respect to their use but are same with respect to style.
strong element
strong element is used to aware someone about the warning (seriousness), note (importance) or tip.
NOTE: The strong element should be used to represent seriousness, urgency in the text.
NOTE: The strong element should be used to represent seriousness, urgency in the text.
Try </>Both b (bold) and strong elements are same with respect to style but different with respect to their use.
mark element
mark tag is used to mark a piece of text. By default the background color of the marked text is yellow.
The main use of mark element is to highlight important points which are more relevant to the user's current activity.
small element
small represents the small font-size of text.
Overuse of that thing will cause disaster.
Overuse of that thing will cause disaster. Try </>
The small element is commonly used for side comments, copyright information or important text.
Note:big element is not included in HTML5. Now CSS properties should be used to change the font-size.
del element
del element defines the deleted text.
insert element:
ins element is used to represent the addition of text.
sub element
sub element defines the subscript in an equation. This element is used to make a subscript. It default font-size is small.
sup element
sup element defines the superscript in an equation.
See the example below.
span element
span element is used to style a piece of text. It is used to make annotations.
Var element:
var element is used to write variables in an expression. For example, S=at2
Here “S” is distance. “a” is acceleration and “t” is time. And these are variables.
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