CSS animation-name property
CSS animation-name property represents a list of one or more keyframe-names separated by comma. Each keyframe-name applies property values to an element.
We take an example of animation with one or more keyframe rules.
animation-name : none | keyframe-name1, keyframe-name2,..
Property values
There will be no animation.
animation-name: none;
It represents single @keyframe rule . It consists of different time intervals and each time interval containing respective property values. We are using 'rotate' keyframe as the value of animation-name.
animation-name: rotate;
keyframe-name list
We can use more than one different keyframes as the value of animation-name. We are using 'rotate' and 'moveTo' keyframes as the value of animation-name.
If more than one keyframes are affecting the same CSS property, the last keyframe will override the previous ones.
animation-name: rotate, moveTo;
Applicable to
It applies to all elements
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