CSS perspective-origin property
CSS perspective-origin property represents the origin of perspective property. This point is located with respect to top and left edges of the element where a user seems to be looking at the transformation of children elements.
There are two possible values (X and Y). If only one value is specified, the second one is assumed to be the 'center'.
perspective-origin : [ percentage | length | left | center | right] [percentage | length | top | center | bottom]
Property values
percentage percentageDefault
The perspective origin is at 50% from top side and 50% from left side. It is the same as perspective-origin: center center;.
perspective-origin: 50% 50%;
percentage percentage
The perspective origin is at 30% from top side and 40% from left side.
perspective-origin: 30% 40%;
length length
The perspective origin is at 30px from top side and 40px from left side.
perspective-origin: 30px 40px;
right bottom
The perspective-origin is the bottom right corner. It is the same as perspective-origin: 100% 100%;.
perspective-origin: right bottom;
left top
The perspective-origin is the top left corner. It is the same as perspective-origin: 0% 0%;.
perspective-origin: left top;
center top
The perspective-origin is the top center. It is the same as perspective-origin: 50% 0%;.
perspective-origin: center top;
Since the second value is not present, it is assumed to be 'center'. It is the same as perspective-origin: center top;.
perspective-origin: top;
Applicable to
It applies to transformable elements.
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