CSS transform-style property
perspective allows an element to render the children elements to rotate in 3D-space.
But what about the chidren of the children elements. Should they preserve the 3D nature or not?
transform-style decides whether this 3D nature should be preserved into the children of the children elements or not.
transform-style : flat | preserve-3d
Property values
In this case, all the children elements are flattened into this element's plane on rotation around X, Y axes.
If .element has flat transform-style, the child element (.element1) rotates in 3D-space.
transform-style: flat;
All the children elements are not flattened into this element's plane but rather they rotate in 3D-space on rotation around X, Y axes.
If .element has preserve-3d transform-style, the child element (.element1) rotates in 3D-space.
transform-style: preserve-3d;
Applicable to
It applies to all elements
From web4college, the free CSS digger