CSS background-repeat property
CSS background-repeat property defines the repeating behavior of background image and the orientation of repititon if the painting area is larger than the image.
background-repeat : no-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | space | round
Property values
The image is repeated along both axes to fill the painting area completely. It is the same as repeat repeat.
background-repeat: repeat;
The image should not be repeated to fill the painting area.
background-repeat: no-repeat;
The image is repeated along x-axis only. It is the same as background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
The image is repeated along y-axis only. It is the same as background-repeat: no-repeat repeat;
background-repeat: repeat-y;
In this case, the images are repeated and spaced out (kept at a distance) so as to fill the painting area completely. The first and last images must touch the corners of the painting area.
background-repeat: space;
The image is repeated untill it fills the background painting area. If it does not fit the painting area a whole number of times, the image is rescaled so as to fit the area.
background-repeat: round;
Applicable to
It applies to all elements
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