CSS scroll-margin-block-end property
CSS scroll-margin-block-end property specifies the margin at the end side of the scroll item. Please move the scrollbar to see the effect of margin.
The selection of end side depends upon the writing-mode.
The end side represents end side for the horizontal-tb writing-mode.
The end side represents left or right side for the vertical-rl or vertical-lr writing-mode respectively.
scroll-margin-block-end :+ve length
Property values
+ve length Default
There is no margin on the end side of the scroll item.
scroll-margin-block-end: 0px;
+ve length
It specifies the end edge margin of the scroll item.
In the demo, there is 100px margin at the end edge of the scroll item.
scroll-margin-block-end: 100px;
Applicable to
It applies to scroll containers.
From web4college, the free CSS digger
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scroll-margin-block-end: 0px;▾